Large Rocks Make a Difference in Weight Loss
When you try to lose weight, it is easy to get caught up in the specifics: exactly what foods you should eat, the exact meal time, and whether white rice is better than brown. The thing is, they are usually the foundations that make the biggest difference in weight loss, experts say.
Another way to think about it is to think of your time as a pot. If you have stones, stones and sand, and you want to fill the pot as fast as you can, you will use stones, right? These are the basic principles that will make a big difference in achieving your goals. "Most people tend to focus on weight loss and adhere to a strict diet as a way to lose weight fast," explains Claudia Hleap, a registered nutritionist. "The problem with taking the 'sand' and 'rocks' approach is that spending time and energy focusing on all these different boundaries is rarely sustainable."
Many people find that by focusing on the “big stones,” they are achieving better long-term results, and their efforts are likely to be made in the long run. That’s why we asked nutritionists what major weight loss rocks they know about thousands of people they work with. Here is what they said.
"People are very busy with how they should exercise and for how long, and this often has an impact on exercise," Hleap said. "What and how much exercise you do depends entirely on what your goal is, but if it is for a healthy weight loss program, just getting into a daily routine is a good place to start." That could mean walking, running, or starting a strength training program. But first, the details are not very important, according to Hleap. If exercise is part of your routine, you can always make your exercise challenging or clear, but do not let getting a complete exercise program become a barrier to movement.
There is a lot of talk about nutrition and what fruits and vegetables are best, but simply making sure you get the product out of every meal may change the game. "Weight loss requires eating a few calories, but people still want to see a full plate and feel full stomach," explains Keith-Thomas Ayoob, a registered nutritionist and clinical professor from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. “Eating lots of vegetables and fruits will keep you full without feeling deprived. Oh, and keep this habit forever. These foods have health benefits of dynamite. "
Most people do not underestimate the importance of managing stress and getting enough sleep to lose weight, says Kayla Girgen, a registered nutritionist and founder of Nutrition Untapped. “When you are constantly stressed - whether it is due to insomnia or physical or mental stress - cortisol, our stress hormone, rises. This has the effect of cascade on other growth-related hormones, ”notes Girgen. It can also promote chronic inflammation, which has a detrimental effect on many muscles and body systems, making weight loss a challenge.
“One of the keys to a successful weight loss program is to think carefully,” says Sue Xiao Yu, a registered dietitian and nutritionist at HSS. Most of the time, we are preoccupied with eating and neglecting, which can easily lead to food and we may not feel satisfied after a meal. “Being aware of what you are eating and how much you are eating, gives you a sense of belonging,” explains Yu. "If you know what you are eating, you are more likely to exercise balance and self-control."
5 GET Enough Protein
"Instead of focusing on 'good' and 'bad', focus on adding foods that make you feel satisfied and full," suggests Hleap. In addition to those protein foods, Hleap recommends eating them with all snacks and snacks. "It's very easy to control your diet and portions when you eat whole foods."
Another change that can make a big difference is reducing the amount of sugar and processed foods in your diet. That does not mean that you should completely eliminate them, but losing weight can help you focus on a satisfying and satisfying diet, thus increasing your weight loss. Paula Rubello, a registered dietitian, says: “Although Rubello is not a person who likes to judge foods on calories only, he says that the calories from extra sugar do not provide enough nutrients. “Also, extra sugar does not affect hunger levels. So even after eating a piece of candy, you may find yourself hungry and dissatisfied. ”
"One of the main reasons why people stop eating is because they do it for immediate gratification," says Erin Kenney, a registered nutritionist and CEO of Nutrition Rewired. "If we can get that idea out of the body and move on to other incentives such as mental health or longevity, it can be easier to celebrate small wines along the way without getting too caught up in the number on the scale."
When it comes to losing weight, these are the most important things, such as getting involved in daily activities, eating enough protein, and knowing why you want to lose weight in the first place. Nutritionists agree: Don't panic over small things.