Does Flavored Water Sparkling Kill Your Weight Loss Goals?

Take a short walk to the bottled water section of any grocery store, and you will see bottles and jars of different types of water. Glossy, delicious, mineral, electrolyte - you name it. And it should come as no surprise that 0 calorie clear water is a very popular option, whether your goal is to lose weight or simply to take care of it.

"Dieters are looking for ways to cut calories in order to promote weight loss," explains Amy Goodson, a registered dietitian and dietitian. However, most dieters do not want to give up their favorite flavors and flavors, so they look for these artificial sweeteners to 'make' their day 'and feel deprived. ” Also, some people do not like the taste (or lack thereof) of water, Goodson adds.

But are these drinks really good for you, especially if you are trying to lose weight? Are they like baking soda, full of artificial sweeteners? Or do they make you crave more flavor, ruin your healthy eating plans?

Here's what nutrition experts say:


  • Many of these low-calorie drinks use “natural flavor” to add flavor. Although they are not synthetic sweeteners, it is not immediately clear what the natural flavors are. Sure, it is zero in calories, but that does not mean it is healthy. Some companies use essential oils and fruit juices, but with a vague label “natural taste,” it is very difficult to say what they really are and how they affect us.
  • However, drinks that use this type of flavor are better than regular soda (or even diet soda). “Some dieters are replacing soft drinks,” notes Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, a registered dietitian and nutritionist at Betches Media. "By making this rotation, soda drinkers are able to obtain the satisfaction of a refreshing, delicious beverage, free of sugar and unnecessary calories."
  • Some versions of calorie-free sparkling water also use artificial sweeteners, which is controversial in some ways. "With sugary drinks, there are no calories, which can make it a good choice for taste, if you are good with artificial sweeteners," Goodson said. The FDA and research support the idea that it is safe to use, but many people (including some nutritionists) are skeptical.
  • "While I think moderate consumption is OK, natural sweeteners and added sugar may cause cravings," Beckerman said. For some people, drinking something sweet, even if it is sugar-free, can make them crave the sweetest IMMEDIATELY. However, it eventually comes down to the person and what he or she can handle. To date, there is no conclusive evidence that natural flavors or artificial sweeteners are harmful to your weight loss programs.


  • “One of the reasons why pure water is so popular with dieters is because, compared to plain water, drinking carbonated beverages on an empty stomach is very filling,” explains Beckerman. "This is because carbonation takes up a lot of space in the stomach, and is said to increase stomach function and heart rate, which can contribute to feeling full." While it is unlikely to have a significant effect on digestion during the day, pure water may be enough to prevent sporadic malnutrition, he says.
  • Those who are resistant to tasteless water often point to a study, published in the journal Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, which found that carbonation can cause weight gain, as a reason to avoid it at all costs. However, experts are not sure.
  • "In the study, those who drank carbonated water had six times higher levels of ghrelin (hunger hormone) than those who drank regular water, and three times higher than those who drank non-carbonated sodas," notes Beckerman. That doesn't sound good in clear water. “However, this study did not look at external factors that may have an impact on weight gain such as unhealthy diet or lack of exercise,” he says. "Research has not directly linked pure water to weight gain."
  • Goodson agrees, noting that there is no strong evidence that carbon alone (or at all) causes weight gain. "It is important to note that too many things can cause hunger and too many people who sleep too little, have too much stress and yo-yo diet can fall victim to hunger." In other words, there are many factors that can contribute to an increase in appetite, and although glossy water may be one of them, they are probably less harmful than lifestyle habits that are shown to have a major impact.


  • Finally, it goes down to how these drinks fit into your diet. "If a healthy drink helps you to drink more fluids and keep your calories low to lose weight, then I believe it can be part of a healthy diet plan," Goodson said. "We always want people to drink water, but the recommendation is based on the use of fluids, and these fluids can be equal."
  • It is a good idea to check yourself out about how these drinks make you feel, though. “For some people, drinking alcoholic beverages may cause them to have constipation, bloating, and gas,” notes Beckerman. "If you experience these side effects, it is important to listen to your body and minimize the use of carbonated water."
  • Another recommended, say, sweet tea, black coffee or fruit juice. "If you want to get more electrolytes out of the bubbles, go in coconut water or watermelon water, but make sure there is no extra sugar in the product," .