Should You Stop Your Holidays Weight Loss?

Trying to lose weight at any time of the year can be tricky. But it can be even more challenging during the holidays. It's one thing to have a big event to deal with, but the holidays cover an entire period of events, not just one day or even a week, explains Linda S. Nikolakopoulos, a registered nutritionist. "This one-month period usually includes a lot of festivals and social gatherings, and there is often food and drink for everyone." To many dieters, it may sound like a never-ending cycle of temptation and frustration.

Therefore, many people with weight loss goals still wonder: 'Should they continue their efforts for the holidays? Or take a break and continue after the end of the season? According to experts, the answer depends on your particular situation. Here's how to put one together for use with your dream home.


For some people, the right choice will be to continue the weight-loss efforts of the holiday season, as there are some excellent pluses for not taking breaks.

You will keep up the momentum. Not having to restart your healthy habits and, which can be even harder than previous attempts, is a great skill, according to Laura Bishop-Simo, a registered dietitian at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

You will reach your goal soon. Adhering to your efforts means you will be where you want to be sooner, said Bishop-Simo. And you are less likely to gain 1-2 pounds of holiday weight.

You will prove that you can. "The great thing about continuing to lose weight during the holidays is that you will probably never have a very difficult time, which means this is a great opportunity to learn and apply your new skills," said Lindsay Allen, a registered nutritionist. “You will be forced to plan ahead, find some healthy recipes for your favorite desserts, and practice healthy eating at parties and parties. If you can get over it, the whole year will be hot. ”


If you decide to end it with your weight loss plans during the holidays, use these tips to make the process sound a little easier.

Try not to slow down. Says Nikolakopoulos: “Feelings of poverty can be reversed. “Sometimes overdose can lead to overeating, which in turn leads to overeating. This, of course, is not the end result you expect. ”So if you have a favorite dessert or a favorite dish, you should try it and practice moderation.

Fill protein first. In a social setting, check out party snacks with anything high in protein, Allen recommends. “Protein is the most nutritious macronutrient. By eating a high-protein diet first, you will be satisfied, ”that is, you are less likely to go on a diet that does not contribute to your goals.

Never go to a party hungry or starving. “Eat plenty of healthy food during the day or even a small snack before the party,” suggests Allen. “The key to making wise decisions is not starving. Our natural craving for food will take the place of when we are very hungry and this will always lead to bad choices. ”

Remember that one example of overeating will not hit you. “Overeating a few times is not particularly harmful, but it is very uncomfortable,” observes Bishop Simo. "Who wants to have a stomach ache or pain when you can enjoy your family and friends?"


Continuing to eat during the holidays may not be an option - and that's fine. Maybe you have too many relationships, not enough time to cook food at home, or a very busy work schedule. Here are some reasons why it might be best to take a break.

Temptation is powerful. Allen says: “The biggest problem with losing weight during the holidays is the temptation to go around. Some may find it difficult to do so, and it is best not to limit themselves at this time.

Care can be real. For some people, the goal is to maintain a healthy vacation time. "The most sensible goal may be to maintain your current weight and aim to prevent unwanted weight gain during the holidays," says Nikolakopoulos.

You may feel left out. Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally or physically can be very frustrating. If you expect to feel this way, then taking a meal may be the best option for you, says Bishop-Simo.


If you decide to take a break for the holidays, there are some ways to make sure you do not make the full 180 in your efforts.

Keep working. Bishop-Simo recommends traveling with family and friends during or after the holiday gatherings. "You do not need to be strong, but to keep yourself going well not only in your body, but also in your mental health, and we all know that the holidays can be a little stressful."

Keep your non-festive diet the same. "It's a good idea not to give up completely," Nikolakopoulos said. Be determined to maintain good eating habits in your daily diet, while allowing yourself to enjoy a small holiday meal at social gatherings. ” One thing that can help here is to remember all the efforts you have already made on your journey. "Try to avoid revealing all that hard work and restart in January."

Eat on purpose. "If my grandmother only made her own apple pie during the holidays, she would enjoy it, but it tasted good," suggests Allen. How does it smell? What is the texture like? What are some of the flavors you can taste? "The easiest way to avoid overeating is to stay active, which is a very important step in a balanced diet."


No matter what you decide to do, aim for a balanced approach.