How Often Should You Measure Yourself?

Consider: You decide that it is time to make a concerted effort to lose weight. You start exercising regularly and start a healthy eating plan. The time has come to test your progress, to step on the scale of the true moment.

You did not lose weight.

What are you doing? Continue with exercise and a healthy eating plan? Throw in the towel, and go back to what you did before? Start limiting your diet even further as an effort to make weight loss happen faster?

All of these are common and effective responses to the lack of success on a scale. Weight loss, care or gain can be difficult to navigate. Make it clearer: Scales can be difficult to navigate.

Weight loss is commonplace because it can be determined by the number of factors involved. These include but not limited to how much water you have, what you just ate, your bathing habits, the weather and your exercise. A few pounds of weight loss here or there is usually not the result of fat gain but it is the result of your body doing exactly what you need to do to control its body functions. So how often should you weigh yourself? Whether your goal is care, loss or gain, let's talk about scale.

The first question to ask yourself is, "Will measuring my weight (daily, weekly, periodically, etc.) help me or hurt me?" Since there is no magical answer to how often you should weigh yourself, finding out what works and what inspires you as an individual is a matter for personal decision.


Many people find that daily measuring gives them a sense of responsibility and helps them have a better idea of ​​where they are going with their progress. For many, it helps to keep progress. If you can look at the perfect trend and not press for flexibility, then, measure yourself every day.

Does gaining a weight of 0.4 pounds weigh your mood? Or, are you too happy to see you lose 1 pound? If daily measurement affects your mood and behavior, you may want to reconsider how often you weigh yourself. A number on the scale should not have the power to determine how you feel, the events of the day or your overall quality of life - it is just a number.


Weighing each week can have its benefits - it allows you to keep track of the time you have when you have six full days so you don't have to focus on your weight.

For best results, choose a fixed day each week, and then measure yourself in the morning. Look for trends, but don't get caught in the minutiae. Be aware that it will take a few weeks to get an idea of ​​where the trend is heading. This can be a great tool to help you feel responsible without making you ride a daily roller coaster (or can) scale.


Some people prefer to gain weight from time to time. People can do this at home or rely on a scale in the gym or a doctor's office to get an idea of ​​where they are. People who choose to measure weight from time to time often have different ways of identifying weight shifts, such as how their clothes fit or how strong they feel while exercising.


There are a lot of people out there who break their scale and never look back. Some people find it helpful to focus on how they feel in their clothes, the balance of their diet and snacks and how they perform with their exercise rather than focusing on the amount. This can be a legitimate way of dealing with life - there is so much more to life than numbers on the scale!

If you measure yourself several times a day, stop! Apart from the unusual, you should not weigh yourself more than once a day. Looking at a number on the scale can become a very problematic pattern that can disrupt the peace and happiness of your life. If you decide to weigh yourself, the scale should be a useful tool, not harmful.

All in all, ask yourself what is most important to you. For some, measuring daily weight is the best course. For some, a little weight is usually the best thing in life. Each of us has different ways of dealing with things and inviting inspiration and hope into our lives. Find what works for you and stick to it!