8 Best Weight Loss Functions

Whether you are looking to lose weight or lose weight, exercise is an essential element of any weight loss program. But not all workouts are created equal when the goal is to lose weight. Previously, trainers evaluated their favorite exercise-based exercise to lose weight.

But before we dive into it, there are a few important facts we should be aware of.

  • Weight loss and fat loss are different: Most people say they want to lose weight, but most of the time, they really say they want to lose weight. This is an important difference, since some exercises that aid in fat loss - such as strength training - can result in weight gain in the form of muscle mass. That may seem like an understatement to try to lose weight, but the opposite is actually true. Adding muscle to your frame increases metabolism, which can help you lose fat and keep it inactive for a long time.
  • Exercise is not the only factor in fat loss: Exercise is important for your health, and it can also help you to lose fat. But in the end, fat loss is determined by the caloric deficit or not. In other words, your "calories" need to be lower than your "calories". This means that if you exercise but do not pay attention to what you eat, exercise alone may not be enough to achieve results.
  • Consistency is key: While some types of exercise burn more calories than others and some may provide calorie burn after exercise, the best weight loss exercise for each person depends on what they can do consistently. the best exercise in the world, but if you do it once every two weeks, you will not get the results you want, ”says Grady Bridges, a certified personal trainer. At the very least, you recommend working out three times a week if your goal is to lose fat. It's the key to getting what you really want to do: "It's best to do something you always do - even if it's just your goal."



Exercise can be used to do both cardio and strength training. "If your body allows it, I recommend bodyweight cardio exercises like burpees, knee highs, jacking jacks, kick kicks, boxing shifts in lower squats, squat jugs, plank jacks and squat jumps, "said Heidi Schmidt, a certified personal trainer. West Secrets.

While you may think you need equipment to do strength training, there are a few ways to make weight loss exercises a challenge, which creates the same effect of strength using heavy weights over time.


If you’ve ever made a heavy bag or a dignified boxing class, you know that boxing is one of the hardest, hardest working things out. One study looked at adults with high levels of belly fat and found that the most effective form of punching four days a week was more effective in helping to reduce belly fat than a fast walking exercise program.


"My best exercise for weight loss and heart health is a strong, steady regional exercise," said Andrea Levine, a team-certified fitness coach. This is slightly different from HIIT, as there is less relaxation involved. Levine Method of Walking: Doing 6-10 exercises for 1 minute each without rest. "I recommend that you do this cycle three times, and then rest for about 1 minute between sets." According to an article published in the American College of Sports Medicine's Health & Fitness Journal, this type of exercise can provide significant benefits with short-term commitment, especially when alternating between high and low workouts within a circuit.


Whether you are riding a bicycle, a road bike or a cruiser, cycling can be an excellent activity for weight loss. Studies have repeatedly shown that cycling is associated with improved health. Recent research has even found that cycling can be as effective for fat loss as working out for your free time.


HIIT is one of the most popular ways to lose weight, and it is a great way to lose body fat, says Alex Tauberg, a chiropractor and a certified strength trainer and conditioner. "HIIT exercise has been shown to work better than stable fat loss exercise." While it is not clear why this is, HIIT seems to work better than other forms of cardio for some people.

To get started, Matthew Brenner, founder of High 5 Fitness & Nutrition, recommends exercising “every minute” (EMOM). "This exercise is a great way to reduce the tone of the exercise when you are having a difficult time," he said.

Here's how it works: Choose a task or set of exercises that will take you less than 30 seconds to complete. Every minute, complete the set of exercises, and rest until the next minute starts. The sooner you complete your exams, the more intense you are - and the more time you get to relax. "Make sure you save some time for warmth and cooling," adds Brenner.


"I love jump roping because it's the calorie burner full body you can do anywhere," said Meghan Kennihan, NASM's personal trainer and USA Track & Field coach. “The jump rope can burn anywhere from 600–800 calories per hour. Obviously, you will not be jumping for an hour, but it is a good way to increase your heart rate and can easily be combined with weight loss exercises for a fun circuit. ”


Some good exercise with minimal impact, full body, rowing is also very effective in losing weight. In addition, it is accessible to people with varying degrees of physical ability. A study published in the Annals of Rehabilitation Medicine found that visually impaired people (who often have low levels of fitness) were able to reduce their fat intake by adding rowing to their daily routine five days a week for six weeks.