Will Alcohol Work With Your Pre-Exercise? We are investigating

Pre-workout is marketed as a supplement to improve your performance in the gym by increasing your energy level for the session. The first appendix, created by "The Last Orange," was developed in California by bodybuilder Dan Duchaine in 1982 and had an impact on the bodybuilding and weight lifting communities. From humble beginnings to the present, they have now become an inclusion that everyone should ‘have’ for many and are available in a variety of forms.

For those unfamiliar: "Pre-exercise supplements are dietary formulas that contain many ingredients, usually including amino acids, B vitamins, caffeine, creatine (which is said to improve metabolism), and sweeteners are made," said Colon Director and no. New York Rectal Surgery Lynn O'Connor. Other common ingredients include 5-HTP, spike serotonin levels, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to reduce pain and aid in speedy recovery, and electrolytes, which provide sodium, potassium, and -magnesium to support good water flow.

But, be careful. Pre-exercise is not for everyone. In fact, some have fewer risks. We have asked experts to fully download pre-workout supplements, especially how alcohol can affect your pre-workout routine. Keep reading what they said.

What Types of Pre-Exercise Existing?

Pre-workout is designed for a variety of purposes, whether exercise strength, improving your endurance, or improving your mind / body. They come in a variety of forms and, from powders, pills, and pills, to canned drinks, liquids and shakes, often packaging carbohydrates, beetroot juice, caffeine, and creatine monohydrate, ”says O'Connor. Such ingredients are said to enhance the performance of exercise by providing the body with additional sources of energy for carbohydrates.

With the advent of fashion as early training, many of us spend unnecessary dollars on products we do not need. “While there are many types and options to supplement before exercise, it depends on the individual's goals and needs, such as a person with chronic fatigue syndrome who may need supplementation to gain extra strength and muscle capacity to function. , ”Explains Christina Campbell, a practicing physician. Another example is a person who takes a supplement to joint pain. "This can help with pain and recovery and can be the best way before exercise."

Can Alcohol Affect Your Exercise?

"I get it; alcohol makes you feel amazing sometimes," Campbell said, but combining an hour of fun with pre-workout may not see the effect of the supplement itself. " We can't even help your body use nutrients in your pre-workout workout.

In addition, he explains that ingredients such as B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, alpha-lipoic acid, etc. will be used by the body and cell mitochondria to release alcohol, rather than to improve the quality of exercise.

Also, if your pre-workout supplement contains caffeine, it will compete with the alcohol in the liver, and it can increase both the level of alcohol and caffeine in the blood, slowing down the detoxification process, ”adds Campbell. Also, if you did not know it, increased heart rate not only impairs your performance but may also be harmful to your body.

The Dangers of Blending With Exercise

While alcohol can diminish our self-control, there are many obstacles, including an increased risk of injury. But these barriers exist in order to protect us from making choices that can lead to harm. In contrast, the effects of pro-inflammatory alcohol will also prevent recovery. “In the best case scenario, your ingredient will be discarded by alcohol. "It would be better if you avoided a combination of both before your workout," Campbell suggests.

Worse yet, mixing your alcohol with a pre-exercise regimen can lead to serious side effects. O'Connor explains: "Some supplements are digested by the liver, and this effect, combined with alcohol, can lead to liver damage or worsening it." He also recommends doing your additional research, as many products on the market may be regulated by the FDA.

Before exercising or not, alcohol can have a detrimental effect on our overall performance.2 “Alcohol is a diuretic that causes dehydration, and as dehydration intensifies after working with sweat, alcohol can also dehydrate the body.”

Thus, Connor advised a time to abstain from alcohol and exercise. "In addition, the body recognizes alcohol as a toxin and soon wants to break it down - a role for the liver, which prioritizes digestion of fat over fat." This leads to the formation of fatty acids, which are now used by the body instead of burning body fat. If that were not enough, alcohol may also interfere with the synthesis of muscle protein, thus affecting muscle repair and growth, regardless of the effect of the exercise itself.

Bottom Line

Both experts agree that avoiding alcohol in close proximity to your previous work is your safest bet and leaving enough time to use metabolism between the two of you. Says O'Connor: “Make sure you have plenty of fluids before exercising to avoid overcrowding or, worse, fainting. "It takes at least two hours to process a unit of alcohol in a healthy person, and the level of metabolism depends on a number of factors including how much you drink and the medications that can increase the processing time of alcohol."