How to Get Rid of Bites  Quickly

Ah, a period of allergies and things: somehow both my longtime friend and my dying enemy at the same time. I grew up in an allergic family, with my mother, my brothers, and I actually distributed the encyclopedia of allergies. From food (pineapple, soy, milk, and avocados) to nature (I have a pollen tracker on my phone), I find myself very skilled at allergies. The best thing is that there is no consensus when it comes to our allergies. When my "allergy season" peaks from mid-August to early October, my mother has 365 days a year, and one of my brothers has a spring sneeze.

Hives, bites caused by certain causes (or, according to some doctors, for no apparent reason), were common in my family, and we were always looking for solutions to our allergies. I know this is not my problem, and when the idea came to me, I rushed to ask the experts the best way to handle this common problem. If I did not do it for myself, I would do it for my mother and my brothers completely. Dendy Engelman, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at Shafer Clinic, and a board-certified dermatologist Hadley King, MD, provided great tips and tricks for reducing even chest pain as quickly as possible, to keep your suffering minimal.

01Try Antihistamine

"Because bees are caused by the release of histamine, oral antihistamines are often the most effective treatment," says King. An antihistamine can help prevent inflammation-causing signals. When we talk about antihistamines, we usually talk about over-the-counter antihistamines like Benadryl or Zyrtec, but an H2 antihistamine like oral cimetidine may be helpful. But be careful not to overdo it, and be sure that you do it under a doctor's supervision — antihistamines can cause drowsiness and drowsiness, while still being very effective.1

02Use Humectant

Moisture wound healing has proven to be effective and quick.2 "We often think of wounds that are necessary for ventilation and scabies, but moisture really does help," Engelman explains. "If the skin is soft and very moist, it will greatly reduce cracks and bites. Think of soft materials such as shields." Moisturizers close the active ingredients and prevent harmful aggressors on the outside, so look for humectants — ingredients or products that help the skin retain moisture — that will absorb moisture, help soothe symptoms, and speed up healing.3 Engelman recommends SkinMedica TNS Ceramide Treatment Cream ($ 69), which repairs, nourishes, and protects the delicate, damaged skin and supports our body's natural production of ceramide, is part of the skin's immune system.4

03Get the Humidifier

"I love cosmetics for people who suffer from sensitive skin because they are a great tool for supporting the skin barrier," said Engelman. We want to reduce the loss of moisture to improve bee healing, as well as reduce the risk of dryness, cracking, and cracking that could put the skin at risk of infection.5 and Byrdie's favorite.

04Avoid Known Causes

Of course, the easiest way to heal the chest quickly is to stay away from anything that might trigger a bullet in your skin. If you don’t know what might be causing the irritation, create a log of everything you put on or on your skin for a few days and see what a normal thread might be - it could be allergic reactions, temperature changes, sunlight, or even stress. Start removing certain things from your day and day and be aware of what is changing or not changing — you will find what is causing you problems immediately.

05Do not remove the Skin

It does not make sense, but try to avoid bathing in hot water. Not only is it natural and not so good on your skin, but certain soaps can dry out your skin and irritate your skin even more. makes the skin feel even drier.

06Consider the Low-Histamine Diet

If you have doubts, change your diet — If you really try to find the source of the nests, it may be in what you eat. Follow a low-histamine diet, such as one that does not include heavy foods in histamines, a chemical that controls the body's response to external factors and damage.7 When starting a low-histamine diet, avoid the following:

  • fermented dairy products, such as cheese (especially the elderly), yogurt, sour cream, butter, and kefir
  • vegetables cooked or soaked in salt water, such as sauerkraut, cucumber, and kimchi
  • ripe drinks, including kombucha, wine, beer, alcohol, and champagne
  • cooked or boiled meat, such as sausages, salami, and boiled meat
  • Ripe soy products like tempeh, miso, soy sauce,
  • ripe grain, like sour bread
  • tomatoes
  • eggplant
  • spinach
  • frozen, salted, or canned fish, such as sardines and tuna
  • vinegar

07Take Oatmeal Bath

Remove Quaker Oats — do not wash in the same oatmeal you used to make cookies. There are certain ingredients that can help soothe and relieve itching in the nests: oatmeal, and especially, colloidal oatmeal created for bathing, and baking soda all help.8 Put a cup of oatmeal in a warm (not too hot) bath and soak for at least 15 minutes, be careful not to rub the towel too much when you are done.

08Cool with Aloe Vera

Yes, aloe vera is known to help treat sunburn, but the same level of anti-inflammatory treatment can also help with hives.9 Apply to the affected area several times a day with aloe vera gel or cream. Just make sure you do the patch test first - you do not want to cause an overdose if you try to treat it.