Does Eating Disorders Make It Hard for You to Lose Weight?

Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. Whether you are dealing with cravings, an eating disorder, or a hormonal imbalance, there are many obstacles that can hinder you from reaching your goal on the timeline. But can eating unhealthy foods contribute to weight loss? Here's what the experts would say, as well as how to deal with it if you suspect you have food allergies.


"Although food allergies, allergies and allergies are often used interchangeably, they do not mean the same thing and there are significant differences between them," said Pam Cureton, RD, a specialist in treating celiac disease.

Anorexia nervosa is a reaction of the immune system. In particular, if you are allergic to food, your immune system triggers the immune response of immunoglobulin E (IgE) in response to eating them, according to the American Academy of Asthma and Immunology. Although symptoms of food allergies vary, they can range from anaphylaxis (a complete body reaction that needs immediate attention) to itching, fever, rash or swelling of the skin. Symptoms may be widespread, but usually include the mouth, throat, tongue or lips, adds Anna Binder-McAsey, RD, owner of Rethink Nutrition.

Food intolerance, on the other hand, is often related to GI. It occurs when the body has difficulty digesting certain foods. "The most common example is lactose intolerance, which occurs when someone does not have enough of the digestive lactase enzyme to digest lactose, a sugar found in cow's milk," explains McAsey. These reactions occur almost entirely in the GI tract, which means that they primarily cause digestive symptoms, and do not cause widespread immune responses that are detected by allergies.

Food allergies are rarely studied compared to allergies and intolerance, says Cureton. They are similar in the sense that they are immune-mediated reaction to somenutrients (meaning that the immune system is involved), but they are not exactly the same as food allergies, and they are not well understood. "Importantly, symptoms of sensitivity can change, which means that the reaction does not occur in the same way," Cureton said. One day, eating a nutritious diet can lead to diarrhea, the next day it can produce eczema, the next day it can cause joint pain, she explains. That can make food cravings difficult to control.

The most common substances involved in food allergies include FODMAPS (especially fructose), milk, gluten, caffeine, amines, and sulfites, according to Amy Davis, RD. In general, food allergies often contribute to chronic inflammatory symptoms such as diarrhea, eczema, psoriasis, migraines, acid reflux or pain associated with inflammation, McAsey said. "It may be common for a sympathetic person to experience symptoms that are common, such as daily or weekly headaches or chronic eczema."


First, if a person has a weight loss problem but does not get any symptoms, food allergies are not the first thing to look for, says McAsey. And there is no published scientific study concluding that food allergies cause weight gain, Cureton adds.

That means, if someone has problems with GI, eczema, psoriasis or other symptoms of inflammation and weight loss resistance, then food allergies can be considered a possibility, according to McAsey. This is because there are a few different ways that food allergies can contribute to weight loss problems.

First, a lot of research on weight and inflammation looks at how weight gain leads to inflammation - not the other way around, McAsey says. But for his clients, he has noticed that once less inflammation of the food sensitivity is corrected, weight loss becomes easier. "When a person is in a healthy state, we often see that he or she will be able to maintain a healthy weight without resorting to deliberate weight loss strategies," he notes.

Second, food allergies often make people feel unwell. "When we are not feeling well, it is difficult to waste energy on activities such as exercise and cooking healthy foods, which are important for weight loss," said Davis.

Eating sensitivity can also cause constipation and discomfort which can mimic weight gain, says Cureton. In addition, if you start limiting your diet because you are not sure which foods cause symptoms, you may end up eating more processed foods, which increase calorie intake and may worsen constipation, explains Cureton.



Experts agree that in order to get to the bottom of the food sensitivity, a diet guided by an expert is the best bet for you. "Complete foods to eliminate where certain foods are removed, and then replaced by others can point to irritating foods," explains Tina Marinaccio, RD, CPT.

Dietary supplements can be tricky to use on your own, which is why experts recommend that you seek the help of a dietitian or other trained provider if you want to go down that route.


At present, there are no widely accepted dietary sensitivity testing methods. "Food allergies usually look for the presence of IgG, not IgE, which is used in allergy tests," Cureton said. This type of test can be expensive and has not been shown to show sensitivity in a reliable way, which is why nutritionists and allergists often choose to go for a dietary supplement instead.