8 Easy Nighttime Weight Loss Hacks

Ask an expert anyone, and they will agree that there is no fast track for weight loss for a long time. It requires consistency, dedication and faith in the vision that every good decision and practice you create is an investment in a healthy lifestyle and a healthy weight over time. All of this can be done discreetly, starting with your night plan. "If you hope to lose weight, preparation is very important," said Gabrielle Desmarais, a nutritionist at Forevergreen All-Natural Care and Healing. "It requires commitment and consistency, and if you do not have clear guidelines on what to do and how to prepare, weight loss can be confusing and exhausting."

A balanced night routine can be a game-changer for weight loss as it creates a smooth, stress-free morning. If stress persists and lasts a long time (as we do every day), it can have a direct impact on our health. For example, our immune system is compromised and we may crave more luxurious foods, which can lead to weight gain. Digestion, emotions and heart movements are also affected.

Try to end your day by setting yourself a success the next day with these simple, night hacks that take less than 15 minutes:


By writing down what you plan to eat the next day, you have a road map of what is to come (or, should happen). “This can be very helpful for those who live a sedentary life on the move or for people who just want to be able to have a broader view of their routine and busy day,” says Brianna Diorio, RD. This also makes it easier for you to pack your meals during the day with an app like MyFitnessPal as you are less likely to forget and already have a reference.


Instead of skipping breakfast and overeating at your next meal, there are tons of healthy options that can be easily done early - even while you are asleep. For example, "night oats are a great way to prepare a great breakfast collection," says Sophie Lauver, RD, a Baltimore dietitian. “Try oats that have been cut into pieces to get a form that can be lightly processed,” Lauver recommends. Oats are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which helps you feel more satisfied after a meal and less hungry during lunch, he adds. In time, “a full meal may be worth a few extra calories in total, which contributes to weight loss and maintenance.”

If you are looking for quick options you can make early, try chia pudding or these simple cookies with three breakfast ingredients.


If you have prepared a weekend meal, this should not take long, but you can take advantage of the rest and pack up the night before. This could include sliced ​​salad dressings or making a bowl of cereal with any protein, whole grains and vegetables you have on hand.

A light diet can make or break a healthy eating plan. “The night before, cut the fruit and vegetables first, and then pack them in a container or in plastic bags that are used once,” suggests Lauver. You can also pack different portions of food that can be extremely easy to do such as mixing the route, nuts or peanut butter (pairing with apple).


If you press the snooze button several times or feel rushed every morning, choosing office clothes and exercising can be an additional obstacle. To prevent some forgetfulness and to ensure a good morning, arrange your clothes the night before, suggests Lisa Richards, RD, author of “The Ultimate Candida Diet Program.” "Choosing clothes that make you feel good when you pack your exercise bag and after-work clothes will keep you motivated."


Your exercise is your time. “Plan ahead the night before,” suggests Amanda A. Kostro Miller, RD, a member of Smart Healthy Living's advisory board. “Most people do not exercise when they run out of time during the day. By making exercise as important as a formal business meeting, you are more likely to stick to it. ”

6 participate in REST ACTIVITY

At the end of the day, our minds and bodies are weakened by day-to-day events and pressures. As the next day may be full of additional stresses, it is important to take the time to slow down, suggests Shannon Leininger, RD, founder of LiveWell Nutrition. "When we are stressed, our bodies respond in a physical way and we have to do something intentionally to relax the body," he said. Other ways to do this include deep breathing, yoga or slow walking. "All of these activities create a relaxing response and can help us start the next day refreshed and ready to handle anything."

If you want to take a movement path, Jeani Hunt-Gibbon, RD, suggests keeping things short. "Try situps, pushups, light weights, or pullups in 10 minutes to help with long-term goals of weight loss," she says. "Do not do this before bed, however, because it can leave you feeling miserable and even harder to sleep."


Whether it is coffee, tea or water, it is important to make sure you have plenty of water. Pre-set a coffee maker or fill a teapot to warm it up in the morning. Fill your water bottle and store it in the fridge to get it ready to go in the morning. Being hydrated helps your body function in the best possible way, which helps to lose weight.


Cayenne pepper is a natural remedy, some research showing that it can help in weight loss efforts by increasing appetite and suppressing appetite. "It works to increase weight loss by gradually increasing body temperature, leading to calorie burn," Richards said. This is known as “dietary thermogenesis, which boosts your metabolism.”